    Xiangzi's first car was a second-hand bicycle. It was a rusty old bike that he bought from a friend for a cheap price. The bike had seen better days, with worn-out tires and a squeaky chain. But for Xiangzi, it was a symbol of freedom and independence.
    He would ride his bike to work every day, pedaling through the busy streets of Beijing. He would navigate through the chaotic traffic, dodging cars and pedestrians, while shouting "Watch out!" and "Coming through!" to make his presence known. It was like a dance, a delicate balance between speed and caution.
    The bike became Xiangzi's loyal companion. It never let him down, even when it rained or snowed. He would wrap a plastic bag around the seat to keep it dry, and wear a raincoat to protect himself from the elements. People would often see him riding his bike with a big smile on his face, as if he were the king of the road.
    But as time went on, the bike started to show signs of wear and tear. The tires became more punctured, and the chain would often come off. Xiangzi would spend hours fixing it, using his limited knowledge of bike repair. He would curse and swear in frustration, but he never gave up.
    One day, while riding his bike to work, disaster struck. The chain snapped and Xiangzi fell off, scraping his knees and elbows. He knew it was time to say goodbye to his beloved bike. It had served him well, but it was time for an upgrade.